Inviting a tour is to create the right kick-in-the-ass TO GET STUF DONE.
We've done most of the infratructure now- stone around the sitting space in the shade, more stone edges to path circles, and now (May 22) I am finally at work on the rock garden -- a rock 'barge' which lifts the soil surfacr from ground level to a slope about 15 feet long and from 3 to 6 feet up where it gets even more sun- it's in the sunniest stretch of teh south fcing wall towards the east end. Soil and rocks and a start at planting were in place for the tour. Finally the rock part of infrastructure is in place. Next seson we will work onteh water partof the folly (inside the arches which now look like an old fasioned well or a barbecue) and the wet area on the south side which will mimic a stream bed. Maybe we'llmake gargoyles to spout water into its top portion.
Another year and a few more changes- lots of plans and slowly they lead to real changes in our fishbowl garden.
Instead of making pots during the summer months 2009 I worked with stone- started building a garden folly - a little gothic grotto which will have a fountain in it. It faes East with one other side open to the south so sun will fill it much ot the day, even in winter. A serpentine staircase windis around behind it to the top of a steep slope of stones and earth which will become a rock garden. Some of the stone looks like Manhattan Schist - it is dressed stone from cellar walls where a door goes to my new office; the other stone came from More than 200 post holes we dug for the fence- and is al roundl river stone of wonderfully diverse origins, gathered by glaciers and deposited as terminal moraine of which Long Island (including Brooklyn) is made.
David reorganized the half circle terrace covering roots of a large tree in a neighbor's yard so it is now raised several belgain blocks higher than the surround. It is surrounded by festigate barbery, taxis, epimedium and small hosta. A start has been made on an azaelia patch just west of this half circle and this summer we found some chairs to put here and there.
You are welcome to visit the garden at any time. Just call when you know what times are possible so we can welcome you.